The Hack for NF Event in October/November 2020

September 22, 2020

The Hack for NF events are an innovative way to bring software developers, data science professionals, and others from computational backgrounds into the fight against a rare disease. Neurofibromatosis (NF) appears in childhood or early adulthood and is characterized by tumors that form on nerves. At Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Childhood Cancer Data Lab, we’re excited to be helping out with an upcoming event hosted by the Children’s Tumor Foundation. If you participate, you may meet members of our team who are mentoring and judging. There is a prize pool, but as always the key benefit is in helping to improve the lives of those with NF.

In the past, these events have been in person hackathons but the Children’s Tumor Foundation is rolling out a new virtual model this time. This will enable anyone to join, regardless of where they live. We’ve transitioned to virtual training in our own workshops this year, and we’re excited to learn from this virtual hackathon.

Date and time: October 2nd- November 13th

Who can join: Devs, designers, biotech professionals, data scientists, idea generators, researchers

Cost: Free to register

Prizes: There is a $40K prize pool and an additional 1-5 teams will be chosen for incubation.

Find these details and more at the Hack for NF website.

We hope to see you there!

P.S. If you’re already a cancer researcher with data science expertise, there are also opportunities to contribute to the Open Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas project.

The Hack for NF events are an innovative way to bring software developers, data science professionals, and others from computational backgrounds into the fight against a rare disease. Neurofibromatosis (NF) appears in childhood or early adulthood and is characterized by tumors that form on nerves. At Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation’s Childhood Cancer Data Lab, we’re excited to be helping out with an upcoming event hosted by the Children’s Tumor Foundation. If you participate, you may meet members of our team who are mentoring and judging. There is a prize pool, but as always the key benefit is in helping to improve the lives of those with NF.

In the past, these events have been in person hackathons but the Children’s Tumor Foundation is rolling out a new virtual model this time. This will enable anyone to join, regardless of where they live. We’ve transitioned to virtual training in our own workshops this year, and we’re excited to learn from this virtual hackathon.

Date and time: October 2nd- November 13th

Who can join: Devs, designers, biotech professionals, data scientists, idea generators, researchers

Cost: Free to register

Prizes: There is a $40K prize pool and an additional 1-5 teams will be chosen for incubation.

Find these details and more at the Hack for NF website.

We hope to see you there!

P.S. If you’re already a cancer researcher with data science expertise, there are also opportunities to contribute to the Open Pediatric Brain Tumor Atlas project.

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