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May 4, 2022

Choosing wisely: A behind-the-scenes look at how we selected cell type annotation platforms for the ScPCA Portal

So you recently did some single-cell RNA sequencing and are working on analyzing your data. You’ve already quantified the gene expression data, performed any filtering, and normalized your data, but now what? You know you want to perform differential expression analysis or that you need to annotate the cell types found in your data, but there are so many different tools and methods for performing these analyses. How do you know which one is the best method for your dataset? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there – even experts in the single-cell field have been there. 


May 4, 2022

Don't Make Me Write: Tips for Avoiding Typing in RStudio

I have a confession to make: I am lazy. Ok, maybe that's too strong. Let's go for a euphemism instead: I am efficient. I love learning handy tricks that make my life easier and make my job smoother with fewer hiccups along the way. This is one part of why, here in the Data Lab, we love automation - why waste our time on rote, repetitive, housekeeping tasks when we can get the bots to do it for us? In this blog post, we'll highlight a few tips about how you can use RStudio to code more efficiently.


May 4, 2022

Creating an open source workflow to uniformly process data for the Single-cell Pediatric Cancer Atlas portal

Last year, the Data Lab launched the Single-cell Pediatric Cancer Atlas (ScPCA) Portal, which today holds uniformly processed single-cell gene expression data obtained from 8 separate labs, over 480 samples, and representing 38 cancer types. The portal is still growing as we continue to receive and process raw data from ScPCA investigators! All uniformly processed data is made available for download on the ScPCA Portal, giving researchers easy access to a growing database of summarized gene expression data and metadata to utilize for their own research. But how exactly did we make sure that all of the data was uniformly processed? And how are we able to ensure uniform processing for incoming samples as the portal continues to grow?


May 4, 2022

A clustering analysis workflow for use with your ScPCA dataset!

Recently, we told you about the Single-cell Pediatric Cancer Atlas (ScPCA) downstream analysis workflow. This ready-to-go workflow is intended to be used with single-cell and single-nuclei gene expression data available on the ScPCA Portal. We developed this workflow to filter, normalize, and perform dimensionality reduction, as well as incorporate initial clustering results to each processed sample/library object. Now we’re excited to introduce one of our latest offerings for use with ScPCA data, a clustering analysis workflow, which can be applied to datasets after running the filtering, normalization, and dimensionality reduction workflow! 


May 4, 2022

How we use renv to be in two places at once

At the Data Lab, our science team has a practice where an individual team member shares something that they recently figured out (or didn’t totally figure out yet) on a biweekly basis. We call this short 5-10 minute presentation How I Solved This, and it’s a great way to formally share (often hard-won) knowledge with each other. In this post, we thought we’d share how we solved something with the `renv` package with you.


May 4, 2022

Strategies to center user needs for research tools

The Childhood Cancer Data Lab builds resources guided by the most pressing needs of our primary users: pediatric cancer researchers. As the Data Lab's UX Designer, I conduct research activities with scientists like usability evaluations, semi-structured interviews, and card sorts to gain insight into their activities, processes, pain-points, and behaviors. I work with scientists and engineers at the Data Lab to use this information to improve existing products and services or to create new ones.