Join the fight against childhood cancer
The Data Lab is a team of data scientists, designers, engineers, and community managers, driven to build software systems, analytical workflows, and training programs for childhood cancer researchers. Our multidisciplinary team brings a variety of skills and expertise together in service of our community.
ALSF is located in the greater Philadelphia area. The Data Lab team operates remotely with quarterly visits to Philadelphia. Team members local to headquarters have the option of returning to the ALSF office as desired.
Open Positions
All positions are currently filled.
The Childhood Cancer Data Lab was founded by Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation in 2017. Our mission is to empower pediatric cancer experts poised for the next big discovery with the knowledge, data, and tools to reach it. We construct tools and resources that are freely and openly available to researchers and we ensure that they can effectively use them. The Data Lab team simultaneously contributes to childhood cancer research and to the open science and open source software communities.

About Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of 4-year-old Alexandra “Alex” Scott, who was fighting cancer and wanted to raise money to find cures for all children with cancer. Her spirit and determination inspired others to support her cause, and when she passed away at the age of 8, she had raised $1 million. Since then, the foundation bearing her name has evolved into a national fundraising movement. Today, ALSF is one of the leading funders of pediatric cancer research in the U.S. and Canada raising more than $200 million so far, funding nearly 1,000 research projects, and providing programs to families affected by childhood cancer. For more information, visit