Full: CCDL RNA-Seq Workshop, Virtual, June 22nd - 26th, 2020

June 1, 2020

We are delighted to announce a virtual workshop running from June 22 - 26, 2020!

In this workshop, CCDL staff will introduce the R programming language, the Tidyverse R packages for data science, and analysis of bulk RNA-seq data to researchers studying pediatric cancer.

Virtual workshop structure

The workshop will take place on June 22 - 26, 2020 from noon - 5pm Eastern. Each day consists of lectures and designated time for attendees to work on exercise materials and their own projects with CCDL staff available for consultation. On Friday, June 26th, we will cover any final questions and allow you to present the projects you have worked on to the other workshop participants.

During lectures, CCDL staff will lead you through course material using Zoom, Slack, and RStudio Server. We will record instruction and provide it to workshop attendees so they can revisit it outside of workshop hours or in case they experience disruptions during live instruction. (Don’t worry, we don’t understand the passage of time anymore, either!)

During consultation time, CCDL staff will be available to answer questions and provide any 1:1 assistance as you work through exercise notebooks we provide or work with your own transcriptomic data. We’ll use Zoom and Slack for this, too.

You’ll need a laptop with internet access and to install Zoom & Slack (Windows instructions, Mac instructions, Linux instructions coming soon). You will log into an RStudio Server hosted by the CCDL from your web browser.

What you will learn

  • We will introduce you to the R programming language, R Notebooks, and some reproducible research practices.
  • We cover selected pipelines for quality control, processing to gene expression estimates, and basic downstream analysis of bulk RNA-seq data through hands-on exercises with brief discussions of the underlying methods.
  • Our workshop’s curriculum is generally designed to go broad and not deep.

We assume no prior programming experience, but we have assembled some resources for learning R basics to help make the most of our time together.

What you won’t learn

  • We don’t address experimental design (e.g., how many replicates you need).
  • We won’t compare tools (e.g., edgeR vs. DESeq2 for differential gene expression).
  • We won’t cover every feature or assumption of the tools we do present, but we will try to highlight the features and gotchas that we think are relevant to most users.
  • You may not be able to perform every analysis you need to perform for your own work, particularly for complex experimental designs.

Apply now!

If you are a pediatric cancer researcher and this sounds like it’s for you, please apply now!

To ensure that workshop attendees have a great hands-on experience, there will be a very limited number of seats available. We will prioritize applicants that have transcriptomic data that they are currently using to answer questions in pediatric cancer research. Please feel free to reach out to us at training@ccdatalab.org with any questions.

For full consideration, please apply by Friday, June 5th. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance on a rolling basis. Accepted workshop participants will be asked to provide a $100 deposit to reserve their seat. Deposits will be fully refunded upon workshop attendance.

We are delighted to announce a virtual workshop running from June 22 - 26, 2020!

In this workshop, CCDL staff will introduce the R programming language, the Tidyverse R packages for data science, and analysis of bulk RNA-seq data to researchers studying pediatric cancer.

Virtual workshop structure

The workshop will take place on June 22 - 26, 2020 from noon - 5pm Eastern. Each day consists of lectures and designated time for attendees to work on exercise materials and their own projects with CCDL staff available for consultation. On Friday, June 26th, we will cover any final questions and allow you to present the projects you have worked on to the other workshop participants.

During lectures, CCDL staff will lead you through course material using Zoom, Slack, and RStudio Server. We will record instruction and provide it to workshop attendees so they can revisit it outside of workshop hours or in case they experience disruptions during live instruction. (Don’t worry, we don’t understand the passage of time anymore, either!)

During consultation time, CCDL staff will be available to answer questions and provide any 1:1 assistance as you work through exercise notebooks we provide or work with your own transcriptomic data. We’ll use Zoom and Slack for this, too.

You’ll need a laptop with internet access and to install Zoom & Slack (Windows instructions, Mac instructions, Linux instructions coming soon). You will log into an RStudio Server hosted by the CCDL from your web browser.

What you will learn

  • We will introduce you to the R programming language, R Notebooks, and some reproducible research practices.
  • We cover selected pipelines for quality control, processing to gene expression estimates, and basic downstream analysis of bulk RNA-seq data through hands-on exercises with brief discussions of the underlying methods.
  • Our workshop’s curriculum is generally designed to go broad and not deep.

We assume no prior programming experience, but we have assembled some resources for learning R basics to help make the most of our time together.

What you won’t learn

  • We don’t address experimental design (e.g., how many replicates you need).
  • We won’t compare tools (e.g., edgeR vs. DESeq2 for differential gene expression).
  • We won’t cover every feature or assumption of the tools we do present, but we will try to highlight the features and gotchas that we think are relevant to most users.
  • You may not be able to perform every analysis you need to perform for your own work, particularly for complex experimental designs.

Apply now!

If you are a pediatric cancer researcher and this sounds like it’s for you, please apply now!

To ensure that workshop attendees have a great hands-on experience, there will be a very limited number of seats available. We will prioritize applicants that have transcriptomic data that they are currently using to answer questions in pediatric cancer research. Please feel free to reach out to us at training@ccdatalab.org with any questions.

For full consideration, please apply by Friday, June 5th. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance on a rolling basis. Accepted workshop participants will be asked to provide a $100 deposit to reserve their seat. Deposits will be fully refunded upon workshop attendance.

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